This is a real-time 3-D reconstruction engine that has the capability to image and extract full 3-D volumes of objects such as electronic components, molded components etc. The engine takes 2-D X-ray views from various angles, and completely reconstructs the volume of the imaged component. The reconstructed volume can be viewed in a graphical volume renderer from various angles, cut planes and projections.
The objective of this engine is to enable the following:
- A manual inspection of the imaged component for failure analysis.
- Critical Dimension (CD) metrology of the component.
- Automatic classification of components in production / QA stream.
Salient features of the reconstruction engine are:
- Based on existing 2-D X-ray imaging sources
- CORBA-enabled and available as a CORBA-service.
- Modular architecture that allows easy plug-n-play of application specific customizable GUI components.
- Allows easy development of application specific automatic component inspection and classification modules.